Here is some information about the loft of Jaap Koehoorn.
You can discribe Jaap as a pigeon expert, unbeatable, famous, all-round, craftsman, top, etc., etc. But especially as a true and honest pigeonfancier.
Jaap Koehoorn has pigeons from 1962/1963. In early days as a hobby, but nowadays as a professional in sport.
Championships and 1e prizes are the main goal in his pigeon sport life.
He has his own method of keeping the pigeons healthy and strong. That is his famous “Vydex-Jaap Koehoorn Products system”. He is always looking for a natural way of keeping his pigeons and he does that with a lot of success.
Together with his father his interest in pigeons began when he was 6 years old. Since 1983 Jaap has raced alone. At the end of 2011 he moved to Twijzel in Friesland. There he started racing with young birds in 2012. Directly he managed to have the 1e ace pigeon in the district NL12-1409957. The racing season 2013 started very good. He became 2e Champion speed in district the Walden. Manage 2 times teletekst and many 1e prizes.
Very special are the results of the one loft racing international.
Jaap managed to have 19 international victories on this kind of races.
So with a different kind of treatment his pigeons are still the best in the world.